why are you still sick on a healthy diet?
Become your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your words they become your actions. Watch your actions, they become your habit. Watch your habits, they become character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny ~ Lao Tzu
On my social media, I spend a lot of time discussing nutrition, which is a big part of living a vibrant and healthy life.
However, many of us that eat extremely healthy on a daily basis but still end up falling ill.
We are not only physical beings. We are emotional beings and stress has an enormous impact on our health. Here are some of the many reasons why ppl fall ill despite a healthy diet.
1. Growth Mindset
Working on your happiness is essential for your health. Move from a state of fear to a state of power through working on self-talk and self-growth, visualisation, journaling, meditation etc. Take control of your destiny, this applies to your relationships, jobs, physical and mental health.
2. Relationships
If you feel stuck in an abusive relationship or unhappy, and you have kids with this person, or are friends with people that aren’t making you feel good, unsupportive or are bringing you down, it can make you sick. Emotions get stuck in our body and can come out as dis- ease.
3. Mindfulness Practice
Become the observer of your life. Through meditation, you can learn to percieve the way you feel from an outside perspective as opposed to constantly being reactive. Start living from a place of love as opposed from a place of blame and victim mentality. Love more, and blame less.
4. Occupation
You have a job that you don’t love and are working in a toxic environment. If you are not passionate about what you’re doing and just doing it for a check, you can feel paralysed.
5. Finances
If you don’t have your finances together and are constantly stressed because of money. This means you can’t do the things you love like going on vacation and have financial freedom, you will feel stuck.
6. Spiritual Health
We live in a dualistic reality. We are both a spiritual being and a physical one. Not feeling connected to something bigger than our materialistic world can make us feel empty. Find something that you can connect with. It does not have to be god or religion but just a connection. It can be a connection to nature or the universe.
7. Community
This ties in with the relationship factor. We are social beings and need connection to those that support us and share our values. Find your tribe. If the one you are in isn’t working for you, don’t feel bad about detaching yourself. You need to be surrounded with those that uplift you and can understand you on a deep level.